

ケーブルチェーン內のケーブルからの発塵は、半導體用クリーンルーム環(huán)境にとって難しい課題です。ゴア? トラックレス高屈曲ケーブルとゴア? 高屈曲フラットケーブルは、このような低発塵性が要求される環(huán)境でも安心してご使用いただけます。ドイツのフラウンホーファー研究機構による調査の結果をご覧ください。

Gore anti-static high flex cables for semicon production equipment

For semiconductor production equipment, W. L. Gore & Associates offers a trackless and flat anti-static cable with next-generation technology that increases reliability and higher throughput by preventing electrostatic buildup.

View global distributors authorized to supply bulk wires and cables from W. L. Gore & Associates. Our extensive product portfolio has reliably served many industries for decades — including aerospace & defense, semiconductor & microelectronics, industrial & manufacturing, plus more.

Gore & Fraunhofer Institute cable particulation study for cleanroom environments.

Particle generation from cables in cable chains is a complex problem for semiconductor cleanroom environments. GORE? Trackless High Flex Cables and GORE? High Flex Flat Cables from W. L. Gore & Associates can be reliably used in these environments requiring low particulation. Find out the results of the study by the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany.

Improving Cables Performance in Harsh Environments thumbnail

W. L. Gore & Associates examines constraints that may have an impact on cable performance. Also examined is the process involved in selecting the right materials based on sufficient testing to verify cables will survive and perform reliably in the harshest environments.

Gore’s advanced capabilities in semiconductor manufacturing processes.

W. L. Gore & Associates brings decades of unique materials science technology and in-depth application knowledge to the semiconductor industry. Find out where our advanced capabilities are used throughout semiconductor manufacturing processes — from front end to back end.

Gore Product Selection Guide JP Cover




Gore Product Selection Guide for 5G Test Systems-cover

Selecting a reliable, high-performing microwave/RF cable assembly can eliminate many of the common problems associated with test systems.

Based on the extensive experience working with leading test equipment OEMs and RF components/modules manufacturers, Gore developed a selection guide to assist engineers in selecting the right microwave/RF cables for specific test applications for 5G test.

To download the Product Selection Guide from Gore, please tell us more about yourself.

半導體およびマイクロエレクトロニクス製造プロセス用 GORE? マイクロフィルトレーションメディア

ゴアのメンブレンは、厳しい品質が要求される用途において、安定した品質、性能、卓越したクリーン性を保証します。ゴア マイクロフィルトレーションメディアは、既存のあらゆるフィルター製品を上回る高捕集効率と高流量を実現します。